About Children's Ministry
Children's Ministry exists to assist parents in the spiritual formation of their children. Our goal is to help children become followers of Jesus by teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, not just moral lessons or Bible stories. We do this using methods of instruction and interaction that are both excellent and age-appropriate.
We minister to nursery through elementary age children, primarily by equipping parents to shepherd their children's hearts well.
We offer Sunday school classes for nursery through fifth grade. The Word of God is the backbone of our ministry for every age group. Our teaching focuses on Jesus as the fulfillment of all the promises of God through the glorious hope of the Gospel.
9:00AM Class
Nursery (Infants - 2years)
Toddlers through 5th Grade
Explore the Bible Curriculum
11:00AM Class
Nursery (Infants - 2years)
Toddlers through 5th Grade
Gospel Project Curriculum
Check in Information

If you are a first time visitor, checking in your child is really easy. Please speak with one of our helpful volunteers at the children’s check-in desk. Our volunteers will make sure your children are assigned to the proper class and take note of any allergies or special needs that they may have. We will be glad to answer any of your questions, and we look forward to serving your family.